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How to whiten skin - Modern, homemade folk remedies

Updated on March 3, 2015

Many people can watch on the skin of your face and body a variety of spots. But few people can put up with such a course of events. It is therefore not surprising that today more and more people, especially women, are in search of methods to whiten their skin.

Modern means of skin whitening

To date, experts in the field of cosmetology and dermatology were able to derive a number of tools to help reduce pigmentation of the skin of the whole body, but there is bleach it. Of course, they are all different from each other, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

These include a variety of creams, lotions, peels, scrubs and masks. The basis of such agents is chemical substances that act directly on the human skin. But in them there is also a certain amount of plant fibers.

Home folk remedies for whitening skin

So, to remove visible stains on the face and body can help:

  • Parsley

Parsley | Source

With this plant familiar to many. It turns out that parsley contains some components that can whiten skin, to lighten its several shades. Parsley usually prepares a mask for the face.
To do this, just take a few sheets of plants and carefully grind. In the form of a slurry parsley superimposed on the face for twenty minutes or thirty. This mask is not only whitening the skin, but also increases its elasticity.

  • Berries


Useful for face and body skin will mask of strawberries, raspberries or blackberries. Selected fruits should grind and apply on face for half an hour.

  • Melon

The mask is based on this product is necessary to impose on the night. She is an excellent fight with freckles and other pigmented spots. You have to take the peel and apply it on the face, securing it with a bandage or other dressing.

  • Lemon

On the basis of citrus can make huge amounts of money to whiten the skin. First, lemons simply be wiped cleaned of dirt face, also advisable to mix the lemon juice with honey and apply it as a mask. Currently on the market you can find a huge number of varieties of creams that help whiten skin. As a rule, their difference is based component of an agent. Thus distinguished:

  • Mercury creams

This tool is well whitens the skin, but it is not suitable for all women. Typically, this cream should prescribe the treating doctor.

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  • Creams with acids

It was previously stated that the acids are of great importance in the bleaching of body skin. The advantage of such means is that it can be used for people with any type of skin. The main thing is to follow certain instructions on the application of the cream.

Prepare a whitening cream can be on their own. The main thing is only used when they are created; only those ingredients that will help eliminate the pigmentation of the face and body. The most popular is the cream, made on the basis of a fresh cucumber and lemon juice.

How to use bleaching cream

To skin whitening cream has brought the most use and will not cause any harm, it is necessary to learn how to use it correctly. It is recommended to apply these tools in the morning. The cream should be rubbed into the skin massaging movements. All residues must be removed with a clean cloth. Whitening cream can be applied under makeup.

It is not recommended to wash the face with pigmented spots within a few days of water. It is best to perform this procedure, use the special milk or lotion.

At the end of a ten-year use of a bleaching cream for face and body, is allowed to wash with water. Also, the application procedure can be transferred to the evening.

  • Mil-foil

Is rich in flavoring, which holds most of the ultraviolet radiation.

  • Licorice

Rich in organic acids that are perfectly clean horny layer of the skin.

  • Cucumber and Lemon

Contain vitamin C and the organic acids are the basic ingredients for the preparation of most whitening masks.

All of the recommended natural elements you can use in various combinations, as well as individual components for whitening masks.

Recipes masks to lighten the skin

Below we give a few recipes of masks and infusions; you just have to select the appropriate option. When choosing a mask will certainly consider the features of your skin!

  • Con-gee

The recipe that was used enjoyed and will enjoy the many generations of women. To prepare the rice broth to boil one teaspoon (tablespoon) of rice, but make sure that the seeds do not seethe. Then you need to strain the broth, cool and pour into ice cube tray, then placing the container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator. For the gradual lightening of skin color should be cleaned daily rice ice cube face.

Decoctions of the parsley and lemon juice

Lovely whitening effect will give you a decoction of parsley with the addition of lemon juice. Cotton swab to apply a decoction of dark spots and leave it there for twenty minutes, then rinse with warm water and use their usual means to nourish the skin. This infusion has a strong drying effect, so add to the infusion nourishing cream, if you are the owner prone to dry skin.

  • Clabber

This recipe is very popular even among our grandmothers. Cheesecloth to drench sour milk and apply on face, having sustained a mask for twenty minutes. Especially milk wash water is not necessary; you can just wipe the face wet disc. After a week of your skin is noticeably lighten freckles and pale.

The mask of hydrogen peroxide

For this mask you need to mix pharmaceutical solution of hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. The resulting mixture is thoroughly wiping the face, and then imposes a mask of sour cream. Sour cream is recommended to use different fat levels: for dry skin should take fat sour cream, and for oily skin - diet.

Hydrogen peroxide can be connected with a mixture consisting of fifty grams of cottage cheese and a raw egg yolk. Conventional manner using a mask. If the current structure and add a spoonful of honey, you can get great nourishing mask.

Another option: Teaspoons of natural Komkova yeast dissolved in hydrogen peroxide, achieving a creamy consistency and apply on face like a regular mask.


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